Neurodiversity and the menopause
  • 02 Dec 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Neurodiversity and the menopause

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Article summary

  • The current understanding of how hormonal changes in the menopause impact women with different types of neurodiversity is not well understood due to a lack of studies. 
  • However, small studies do begin to suggest that the menopause transition might be a time of heightened vulnerability in some women with neurodiversity. 

  • Some individuals with neurodivergence have expressed that menopause played a role in first diagnosing their neurodiversity. For example, in a recent qualitative interview study that included 17 autistic participants, one participant stated:

'I believe it was menopause that led to my ASD diagnosis, as my ASD traits became so much more exaggerated'.

'I would say that I found out I am autistic because I'm perimenopausal because I've stopped being able to cope with my life, the life I was able to cope with before'.

  • The results from this study cannot be generalised due to the small sample size and qualitative study design. However, it highlights the very real need for more research to be undertaken and better awareness on this topic.

It is likely that for some, neurodivergent traits may remain stable throughout the menopause, whereas for others they may experience new challenges or feel their current challenges relating to sensory sensitivities, executive functioning or emotional regulation have intensified.

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